joi, 27 noiembrie 2014

Tatted earrings -a new attempt.

Well, a new attempt with ankars tatting and a new a new pair of earrings.
Deci, o noua incercare cu tehnica Ankars si o noua pereche de cercei.

miercuri, 29 octombrie 2014

Ready for christmas - Ankars tatting

Pregatiri de Craciun, poate o agrafa de par sau poate un ornament pentru felicitare.
Vom vedea....
Sau poate imi sugerati voi ceva!

Preparing for Christmas, maybe a hair clip or an ornament for greeting card.
We'll see ....
Or maybe you suggest me something!

joi, 23 octombrie 2014

My first ankars tatting

Prima mea lucrare in tehnica Ankars.
Majoritatea informatiilor le am de aici.

Well, this is my first ankars tatting.
Most of the information I got from here.

sâmbătă, 18 octombrie 2014

Thistle (Ciuline)

O noua incercare si sper si o reusita.
Un ciuline, da ati citit bine. Un ciuline.
Mi-a placut combinatia dintre firul verde si margelele mov asa incat am facut o incercare.
O pereche de cercei, gata de purtat.

A new attempt and hope a success.
A thistle, yes you read right. A thistle.
I liked the combination of the green thread and purple beads so I made ​​an attempt.
A pair of earrings, ready to wear.

joi, 9 octombrie 2014

The difference is...

The diference is ... very simple, as you guessed.
So, in first image is a simple ring with bugle beads as picots and Floating rings (TOR) and it is worked with 2 shuttles.
Second one, is , like first one, a simple  ring with bugle beads but I use 1 shuttle and ball, and SLT before and after Floating rings .
Simple no?
I made a step by step guide for  both methods.

                            Simple flower - bugle beads                          Simple star - bugle beads

miercuri, 8 octombrie 2014

What is the difference?

Last night, after we went to bed,  I dreamed of snow and tatting (strange dream).
I woke up with a snowflake pattern in my head. I had to try.
I turned the TV to not bother, and I started working in his light.
This is my excuse for not worked nicely.
The snowflake is very simple, but you see the difference?
It is the same pattern, same stitch count but different techniques.

It is the same pattern, same stitch count but different techniques.
So far I have not noticed such a big difference between using this two techniques.
I'll tell you tomorrow if you don't guess.

duminică, 5 octombrie 2014

Nothing new

It's been a while since I wrote, but it was a difficult month.
Tatting, not much, just a few pieces remade.
Earrings "Flower" and some rings.
I hope I start working soon.

luni, 8 septembrie 2014

My new set, a simple ending with beads.

Czech beads, mother of pearl (sidef) and cotton.
Not my pattern, find it on google doc, not signed, but I think it is Orsi's.
It was a simple ending without beads. 
I put the beads  to form a border on the bottom.

joi, 4 septembrie 2014

3D medalion

After previous attempt on 3D tatting, I went further with this idea.
So why not graduated beads?
Silk thread and pearls:

marți, 2 septembrie 2014

Another attempt on 3D

After this 3D trefoil-earrings, I tried another 3D model.
It is 3D flower, two layers separate by beads.
I like how it came out,  and I will continue with this idea.

sâmbătă, 23 august 2014

Trefoil earrings!

This is my first post in english. I hope I do not embarrass myself.
So, this earrings are made with two layers of treafoil, between I put pearls , two sizes, 6mm in the meaddle and 4mm on the adge.
I hope you like it.

luni, 11 august 2014

Colier tip guler

Pentru ca sunt la moda colierele tip guler, am zis ca merita incercat, bineinteles: din dantela frivolite.
Am avut mai multe variante care nu mi-au fost pe plac , pentru ca nu aveau tinuta. Am ramas in final la modelul de mai jos,cu flori realizate individual si apoi lipite pe tul alb. Pentru siguranta florile au fost si cusute.
Materiale: bumbac alb si margele de cehia argintii.

vineri, 8 august 2014

marți, 29 iulie 2014

Gata vacanta!

Ei , iata ca s-a terminat si vacanta de anul acesta. A fost extraordinar, 10 zile prin Romania mi-au umplut sufletul de drag de tara asta. Se poate si mai mult ce-i drept, dar a fost minunat.
Si acum la munca.
Ceva usor, asa ca dupa concediu o bratara din bumbac negru cu perle.

marți, 1 iulie 2014

Bratara alba - dantela frivolite

Va mai amintiti bratata in culori de aici ?
Am incercat modelul pe culoarea alb si arata foarte foarte bine (sau cel putin mie asa mi se pare)

luni, 23 iunie 2014

Design din mers

La sfarsitul saptamanii mi-am propus sa exersez  SCMR (Self closing mock ring) si printre multe alte maruntisuri la care am folosit aceasta tehnica, mi-am gasit timp pentru a face un model nou (sau poate e nou numai pentru mine). Daca seamana cu ceva cunoascut va rog sa-mi spuneti.

Si pentru ca am fost foarte multumita de rezultat am incercat si in culori: