joi, 13 februarie 2020

Update tutorial bratara cu flori duble

Iata un model foarte cautat pe acest blog. La cerere am reusit sa fac un tutorial video.
Sper sa fie pe placul vostru.
Update: new video tutorial for this pattern:

Aceasta este schema initiala:

You need:

If you work with one color use CTM.
Start with small ring 8-8:

Big ring 8+4-4-8:

Small ring again 8+8:

Chain 20:

Reverse work and small ring 8-8:

Big ring 8+4+4-8:

Small ring again 8+8:

Reverse work:

Add bead:

Small ring again 8-8

Big ring 8+4-4-8:

Small ring again 8+8:

Reverse work:

Start chain  20:

Reverse work:

Start grup of three rings :

Continue with putting bead and so on;

I hope it is clear, but if you have any question please feel free to ask me.
I really wait to see what you will wok.