Asadar am incercat pentru prima oara sa fac cluny leaves, adica frunze tatting.
Am ales un motiv simplu de facut.
Este Small Motif Cluny leaves de Sue Hanson.
Iata ce a iesit:
Cred ca merge folosit pe post de ornament in brad. De fapt asa l-am si pregatit.
Very pretty! I've not tried Clunies... maybe I will some day. : )
RăspundețiȘtergereOh pretty! Your clunies look good! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereFor your first time? Your clunies are fabulous! I can't quite get the hang of the hand....maybe it's the I 'cheat' and do them in a woven picot (embroidery)stitch. They aren't free flowing, though.