vineri, 2 septembrie 2011

Motiv tatting cu frunze

O noua provocare, un nou motiv de bucurie pentru mine.
Asadar am incercat pentru prima oara sa fac cluny leaves, adica frunze tatting.
Am ales un motiv simplu de facut.
Este Small Motif Cluny leaves de Sue Hanson.
Iata ce a iesit:

Cred ca merge folosit pe post de ornament in brad. De fapt asa l-am si pregatit.

3 comentarii:

  1. Very pretty! I've not tried Clunies... maybe I will some day. : )

  2. For your first time? Your clunies are fabulous! I can't quite get the hang of the hand....maybe it's the I 'cheat' and do them in a woven picot (embroidery)stitch. They aren't free flowing, though.
