vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011

Pentru o prietena deosebita

Pentru o pritena deosebita am lucrat un mic cadou. Nu e mare lucru dar l-am facut din suflet si am pus acolo  cateva picaturi de dragoste, amestecate cu respect.
Un fluture dupa modelul Mary's butterfly pe care l-am transformat in brosa

O cutiuta decorata cu tehnica decoupage.

Si pregatite pentru a fi inmanate.

7 comentarii:

  1. Ce cadou frumos!Dupa culoare, ma duce gandul la cineva!!

  2. Un cadou deosebit.Este cel mai frumos fluturas si are si unica si eleganta lui cutiuta.Felicitari Mary ,o surpriza eleganta si unica!

  3. That bead in the center is absolutely PERFECT! Gorgeous!

  4. That's a beautiful gift for your friend! I love the stone you've used. Boxed nicely. Clever.

  5. I'm the lucky one :D....Thank you, Mary ! the butterfly is absolute wonderful and makes the perfect brooch for me :D. So delicate ! And I love the small cute box and the big bow, too ;). Didn't I told you that I'm the lucky one :)) ?!
    Thank you , again, dear friend ! hugs....

  6. The stone is perfect on your beautiful butterfly brooch! I very much appreciate your sharing this wonderful pattern! I'm enjoying tatting it!

    The gift box is fabulous, and beautifully wrapped! I see that your friend is delighted with this special gift!

  7. Such a wonderful gift! I love the center of the butterfly! :)
