luni, 9 mai 2016

Tutorial bratara cu flori duble

De ceva vreme, ma tot intreaba lumea de modelul acesta, desi are ceva vechime.
M-am decis sa fac un tutorial gratuit, cu poze .
Sper sa va placa.
Aceasta este schema initiala:

You need:

If you work with one color use CTM.
Start with small ring 8-8:

Big ring 8+4-4-8:

Small ring again 8+8:

Chain 20:

Reverse work and small ring 8-8:

Big ring 8+4+4-8:

Small ring again 8+8:

Reverse work:

Add bead:

Small ring again 8-8

Big ring 8+4-4-8:

Small ring again 8+8:

Reverse work:

Start chain  20:

Reverse work:

Start grup of three rings :

Continue with putting bead and so on;

I hope it is clear, but if you have any question please feel free to ask me.
I really wait to see what you will wok.

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